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Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a powerful methodology that combines the principles of Lean and Six Sigma to optimize processes, eliminate waste, and enhance efficiency, ultimately driving excellence and continuous improvement across organizations.

The Essence of Lean Six Sigma

At its core, Lean Six Sigma focuses on delivering value to customers by minimizing waste and variation in processes. It blends Lean principles, centered on waste reduction and efficiency, with Six Sigma’s focus on quality improvement and reduction of defects.

Key Principles

Lean Six Sigma operates on key principles, including:

  • Customer Focus: Understanding and delivering what customers truly value.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Relying on data and statistical analysis for informed decision-making.

  • Continuous Improvement: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement to drive efficiency and effectiveness.

Benefits of Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced Waste and Costs: Eliminating waste and inefficiencies leads to cost savings.

  • Improved Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Enhancing quality directly impacts customer satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: Streamlining processes leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

Continuous Learning and Implementation

Lean Six Sigma is a journey, not a destination. Continuous learning and implementation of Lean Six Sigma principles enable organizations to evolve, adapt, and consistently improve their operations.

Join the Lean Six Sigma Community

Join a community of professionals dedicated to driving excellence and continuous improvement. Explore resources, training, and certifications that can enhance your Lean Six Sigma skills and contribute to organizational success.

Explore the different certificates and start your learning journey!

Embrace Lean Six Sigma Excellence

Whether you’re new to Lean Six Sigma or seeking to enhance your skills, explore our resources, courses, and certifications. Discover how Lean Six Sigma can revolutionize processes and drive excellence in your organization.

Thank you for exploring the world of Lean Six Sigma with us. Together, let’s drive excellence through continuous improvement and Lean Six Sigma mastery.

Six Sigma Certification: Benefits, Options, and How to Get Certified

Six Sigma is a data-driven, quality assurance method that organizations use to improve performance, increase profits, and decrease errors.

The Six Sigma name and concept are rooted in statistics. On a bell curve, one Sigma represents a standard deviation from the mean. For a Six Sigma project, 99.9 percent of results must fall within six standard deviations from the mean, leaving a fraction of a percent of results that can fall outside of expected results. In other words, Six Sigma is a business strategy used to minimize error and improve profitability.

Several principles guide  quality assurance method, including focusing on the customer, understanding and improving work processes, eliminating defects and problems, reducing waste, concentrating on value, collaborating with your team, and making your efforts systematic and scientific.

Lean six sigma certification by akreditas

certification is a set of credentials verifying your expertise in the Six Sigma method. You can find a variety of schools and companies that offer training in this method to prepare for a certifying exam.

Lean Six Sigma vs. Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma methods take slightly different approaches to quality assurance. Lean Six Sigma optimizes the production process by eliminating unnecessary steps, while Six Sigma maintains steps, including advanced statistical metrics, to eliminate defects. You can get certified in either methodology. 

Six Sigma belts

Six Sigma certifications are awarded in levels similar to belt colors in martial arts. Below, we describe what the different belt levels cover and the roles they could lead to based on information from the American Society for Quality, a professional organization for those in the quality assurance field. We also include salary information based on PayScale and as of December 2023. Use these as a starting point for investigating Six Sigma certification and choosing the level that is right for you.

Benefits of getting Six Sigma certified

Six Sigma certification is a versatile credential, as organizations across industries use it for quality assurance, from tech and finance to health care and education. As of December 2023, LinkedIn has over 4,900 job listings with Six Sigma certification as a required or preferred qualification. Companies hiring Six Sigma-certified professionals include Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, North Carolina State University, Walmart, Google, and Pfizer.

Explore these additional career benefits that Six Sigma certification may afford you:

  • Increasing your value to employers across industries
  • Helping your organization reduce risk and eliminate errors
  • Ensuring compliance
  • Advancing into managerial roles
  • Increasing your salary

lean six sigma certification





Six sigma methodology


Process improvement


Sigma training


Black belts


Green belts


Six sigma tools


Master black belt


Green belt certification


Black belt certification




Lean six sigma training


Green belt training






Statistical tools


Process capability


Black belt training


Six sigma green belt certification


Value stream






Dmaic process


Lean manufacturing

Design for six sigma








Body of knowledge


Six sigma dmaic



Operational excellence

Process mapping

Six sigma process

Value stream mapping

Lean tools

Project team

Statistical process control

Design of experiments

Lean six sigma tools



Six sigma green belt training

Six sigma master black belt


Process management

Process excellence

Six sigma quality

Voice of the customer

Six sigma black belt certification

Six sigma black belt training


Certification program

Green and black

Root cause analysis

Training program


Process flow

What is lean


Statistical methods



Lean management


Certificate program

Total quality


Business improvement
